
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 7:37 AM
When first I awake, on a dewy morning,
Brought alive with the sound of myriad birds’ singing,
Attired in golden yellow, with a hint of saffron,
I slowly unfurl & reach out toward the sun.
Above- an expanse of blue- a sight I’ve not forgotten,
Dotted with tiny clouds, like little wisps of cotton
I watch bees & butterflies, as around me they hover,
Partaking of sweet nectar, they flit from flower to flower.
Soon the sky darkens; the sun goes down- a glowing ball of fire,
The evening breeze whistles around me, as I begin to tire.
Slowly, and oh-so gently, to the ground I fall
Weary and sore, I answer sleep’s final call.
My fallen siblings & I, like a soft blanket we lay,
Until in the morning, we’re unceremoniously swept away.


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