Whoever came up with the phrase ‘fun in the sun’ ought to be hung, drawn and quartered. Summer hasn’t even peaked yet, and already I’m fantasizing about showers of rain, thunderstorms, snow, hail, blizzards … anything’s better than the agonizing torture of being slowly fried to a crisp in the Chennai heat. Some of the typical symptoms of the i-hate-summer-and-wish-i-could-move-to-Alaska syndrome include-
Not being able to survive for more than ten mins without the ac……. Living primarily on gallons of super cold water, and tons of ice….. spending all your canteen money on ice creams and juice… actually drinkin the ‘recycled’ college water when u finally run out of cash ….. taking looong luxury baths- till your fingers and toes get all wrinkled …. And being willing to sell your soul for a tall glass of deliciously iced chocolate milkshake.
Sittin in the college bus, trying desperately to sleep while waves of hot and extremely dusty air blow into my face, mopping my brow every few seconds , and fanning myself in a futile attempt to reduce the perspiration, I remember a saying, ‘girls don’t sweat, they glow!’ , and smile bitterly as I watch half a busload conclusively disproving that statement! The heat also seems to have addled the already soft brains of college authorities, who’ve very smartly decided to make us write our end sem exams in the latter half of may- in the afternoons! Like we don’t have enough things to worry about.. now we have to include prayers for a seat under a fan, no power cuts, and long lasting deodorants!!! Take the recent semester practicals for example- our lab is supposed to be air conditioned, due to which, the windows can’t be opened, and there aren’t any fans. Unfortunately – and predictably- the AC conked out, leaving us with a terribly hot and stuffy lab in which to execute horribly tricky programs. Luckily for me, I was seated kinda close to one of the two rickety, revolving ground fans. So, every 12 seconds, I’d get a breath of reasonably cool air, before the fan turned away again. Not surprisingly, I spent more time counting down the seconds till the fan turned to me, than typing out hundreds of line of code. And then they wonder why very few people managed to get the outputs!!!.... so much for summer being the best season! Anyway, I shall leave now, im late for my hourly bath :) !