Arbit poem again

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 7:58 AM
Omniscient, Invisible and Omnipresent,
or Hogwash, Blind belief and Non-existent.
The debate rages on & on, eternal as the sun,
Continuing as long as mountains stand & rivers run.
Is it proof that you ask for- something solid and tangible,
Which can be dissected & examined,& is measurable & weighable?
Verdant trees, flowers of all hues, the sun beating down on your roof,
And your very own existence- are these not enough proof?
What do you stand to lose, by having faith and believing,
- perhaps a misplaced ego & an arrogant way of thinking.
What do you do at times when all hope seems in vain,
When your brow is furrowed, and you’re in dire pain?

As for me, I breathe easy & sleep more peacefully,
Knowing there’s someone watching over me.


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