arbit poem.

Monday, March 30, 2009 at 10:14 AM
written in a weird mood in class -

Peals of laughter, giggles of joy echo around you,

There's a fake smile on your face, but inside you feel blue.

More friends than you can count, more accquaintances than you can name,

But, is there anyone whose attantion you can always claim?

Everyone envies your oh-so-perfect life,

As they crib about their lives- full of problems & strife.

You're outgoing, popular, with good friends & a great family,

Outwardly chirpily cheerful - you look as happy as can be.

Yet- sometimes, do you feel a shadow cross your heart,

Do depression & misery pierce you like a dart ??

Are you assailed by self-doubt, does despair plague you?

Are you gnawed by confusion- till you dont know what to do?

But- you barely ever let it show on your face...

A plastic mask covers you, like a veil of lace.


  1. Anonymous Says:

    give t poem a masquerade or facade or something..its actually a nice poem!

  2. Tulasi Says:

    i cudnt think of an appropriate one.. wat do u think i shud use, facade sounds nice! :)

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